RAMExpert is a Windows program that allows you to obtain basic information about the RAM installed on your computer. Sometimes it can be difficult to know exactly which modules are installed, as well as the corresponding capacity, frequency, and slots. Figuring out the right model in order to buy other modules and improve the ones on your PC can also be complicated.
RAMExpert shows you all the information you need as soon as you open it. For example, you can see the number of bays your motherboard has, the amount of memory you have installed, the maximum amount of memory you can install on your motherboard, and the amount of RAM currently in use.
If you scroll down, you can find information on which bays are populated with modules and which are not. If a bay is occupied, you can see what kind it is (e.g. A1, B1, A2 or B2), as well as its capacity, manufacturer, model, module type, and frequency.
This frequency follows a code, such as "PCX-YYYYYYY," in which "X" is the memory type ("4" for "DDR4," or "5" for "DDR5"). As for "YYYYYYY," this number indicates the frequency of your RAM multiplied by 8. Therefore, you must divide that number by 8 to calculate the frequency at which your modules are operating. If you see "PC4-28800," that means you have a DDR4 module at 3,600 MHz.
Finally, you can export all this information to a text file or a PDF to save it for future use.
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